Rockefeller was taken on KODAK TRI-X 400 medium format 120 film and was captured as I strolled through Rockefeller Center on a quick but very enjoyable visit to NYC.
I'm a huge fan of art deco, and you get a strong dose of it visiting the center. The sculptures, paintings, and building details all beautifully highlight the style. This sculpture is towards 51st Street on 50 Rockefeller Plaza and was created by Isamu Noguchi. The piece is titled News as the building houses the Associated Press. At the time of completion, it was the largest bas-refief made of metal in the world.
My crop on it was a little tight, but I was trying to get rid of distracting elements while filling the frame. I typically do not alter my film photos in any way. Any crop you see is a product of the frame and mat size!
Anyway, this is just one example of the amazing art open for public viewing in the plaza. I would recommend easily spending an entire day around the plaza if you want to go to photograph. Keep in mind that Radio City Music Hall's neon lights, the Top of the Rock, the ice rink, NBC, concourse level shopping, restaurants, and so much more are only a few feet away.
In fact, this makes me want to go back right now...
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