Here are some tweets from the event:
— Paul Schiller (@paulgs) May 22, 2015
Hey, look at that... #MarketeroftheYear for @Kodak_ShootFilm at @AMArochester #pinnacleawards. We love #ROC & @Kodak
— Truth Collective (@TruthCollective) May 22, 2015
I participated in the #FilmWorthy campaign by collaborating, strategizing, and planning various aspects, as well as developing the following assets:
Film Cans and Making of Video
A tangible asset was needed to be instantly recognizable, communicate the campaign message, and provide a prop for various uses while we captured photography and motion image elements. I worked with our amazing film finishing team here in Rochester to modify labels and our well known tape used to seal the can to communicate #FilmWorthy.I recorded the majority of the footage and compiled and edited it to create the sizzler video that was showcased on the campaign landing page. Here it is!
The film cans were such a hit that we've produced more for additional uses such as a set visit to Quentin Tarantino's The Hateful Eight shot on 65mm KODAK VISION3 Color Negative Film.
Hello from the set of #TheHatefulEight #SetLife #FilmWorthy #QuentinTarantino
— Motion Picture Film (@Kodak_ShootFilm) April 24, 2015
I delivered photography to be used in print and online in various channels like websites and social media. We've leveraged them many times to represent the campaign.

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